Por aqui tudo bem | Ici tout va bien | All is well (2012)
Pocas Pascoal (Angola)
The filmmaker | La réalisatrice
Angolan Pocas Pascoal studied at the Conservatoire Libre du Cinéma Français and in 2002 was part of a group of artists at the Cité Internationale des Arts, taking part in several exhibitions of contemporary art. In 2003, she directed the documentary Il y a toujours quelqu’un qui t’aime | There is always someone who loves you, which was awarded a prize by the Société Civile des Auteurs Multimedia and was selected for several festivals. Por aqui tudo bem is her first feature film.
L'Angolaise Pocas Pascoal a étudié au Conservatoire Libre du Cinéma Français et en 2002, elle a intégré le groupe d’artistes de la Cité Internationale des Arts et a participé à plusieurs expositions d’art contemporain. En 2003, elle a dirigé le documentaire Il y a toujours quelqu’un qui t’aime. Por aqui tudo bem est son premier long métrage.
In the late summer of 1980, Alda and her sister Maria, at the age of 16 and 17, arrive in Lisbon to escape the civil war in Angola. Left to themselves, they must learn to survive in a foreign city. Alda and Maria, from scratch will build a new life and become women. When problems nearly become unbearable, dreadful news fall upon them. Paradoxically, it is this terrifying news that give them the strength to decide their own fate.
A la fin de l'été 1980, Alda et sa soeur Maria, âgées respectivement de 16 et 17 ans, arrivent à Lisbonne pour échapper à la guerre civile en Angola. Laissées à elles-mêmes, elles doivent apprendre à survivre dans une ville étrangère, alors qu'elles abordent la vie d'adultes.
No final do verão de 1980, Alda e a sua irmã Maria, com a idade de 16 e 17 anos, chegam a Lisboa para escapar da guerra civil em Angola. Entregues a si próprias, elas vão ter que aprender a sobreviver numa cidade estrangeira. Alda e Maria vão construir uma nova vida do zero e tornar-se mulheres. Quando os problemas se tornam quase insuportáveis, chega-lhes uma notícia terrível. Paradoxalmente, é esse susto que lhes vai dar a força para decidir o seu destino.
Image source : jccarthage.com