02 January 2018

African women, cinema and LGBT subectivities | Les femmes africaines, le cinéma et des subjectivités LGBT

African women, cinema and LGBT subectivities | Les femmes africaines, le cinéma et des subjectivités LGBT

A key goal of the African Women in Cinema Blog is to feature current research and critical discourse, through interviews, conference proceedings and analyses on relevant topics. Following is a selection of articles regarding LGBT African women or by African women filmmakers on the subject of LGBT subjectivities that have been published on the Blog.

L'un des principaux objectifs du blog des femmes africaines dans le cinéma (African Women in Cinema Blog) est de présenter les informations courantes à travers des interviews, des actes de conférences et des analyses sur des sujets pertinents. Vous trouverez ci-dessous une sélection d'articles sur les femmes africaines LGBT ou des oeuvres faites par des réalisatrices africaines sur le sujet des subjectivités LGBT qui ont été publiées sur le Blog.

Maryam Touzani: Le Bleu du Caftan | The Blue Caftan. https://africanwomenincinema.blogspot.com/2023/01/maryam-touzani-le-bleu-du-caftan-blue.html Halim and Mina, who have been married for a long time, run a traditional caftan shop in the medina of Salé, Morocco. The couple has always lived with Halim's secret, his homosexuality. However, Mina's illness and the arrival of a young apprentice will upset this balance. United in their love, each will help the other to face their fears.

Josza Anjembe : Baltringue | Freed - Towards a self-interrogation | Vers un auto-questionnement. https://africanwomenincinema.blogspot.com/2020/05/recent-films-josza-anjembe-baltringue.html.Through this film about homosexual men in prison, Josza Anjembe was able to confront her interiorized lesbophobia and her own homosexuality.

Claudine Ndimbira : Support her film project “Living like a shadow” about the LGBTQ community in Rwanda. https://africanwomenincinema.blogspot.com/2018/12/claudine-ndimbira-support-her-film.html
Claudine Ndimbira had this to say about the film project: With this project “Living like a shadow” I want to give the voice to LGBTQ community members in Rwanda to tell their stories, what they have been through, what they wish their lives could be but also to the society so that they say what is the reason why they think being gay is a problem to them.

Rafiki: to our forbidden love! | à nos amours interdites ! Cannes 2018 (analysis/analyse, Falila Gbadamassi - Africiné)
A film about love, between two high school girls, which caused its director [Wanuri Kahiu] to be threatened with imprisonment in Kenya. Rafiki, a remarkable drama, is one of three African films in competition at the Un Certain Regard.

Rafiki by/de Wanuri Kahiu : Cannes 2018 - Un Certain Regard https://africanwomenincinema.blogspot.fr/2018/04/rafiki-byde-wanuri-kahiu-cannes-2018-un.html
Rafiki is a love story about Kena and Ziki who live in a housing estate in Nairobi. The girls are unlikely friends and their fathers are rivaling politicians. When they fall in love and the community find out, the girls are forced to choose between love and safety.

Nneka Onuorah launches a crowdsourcing campaign for "Rotten Fruit" film project
Rotten Fruit centers on the relationship between the LBGTQI community and the attitudes of the Black Church in the United States.

The African Women in Cinema Blog spotlights Nneka Onuorah and her film “The Same Difference” during Women’s History Month
The documentary explores lesbians who discriminate against other lesbians based on gender roles and heteronormative notions of femininity and masculinity.

FESPACO 2017: Normalium by/de Siam Marley (Cote d’Ivoire)
In love with a man in a world where the norm is homosexuality, sixteen-year-old Charlotte will have to be exorcised for her "deviant" behavior. An exorcism authorised by her two mothers.

Amoureuse d’un homme dans un monde où la norme est l’homosexualité, Charlotte, 16 ans, va se faire exorciser pour son comportement "déviant". Un exorcisme approuvé par ses deux mères.

When Alice Diop takes us "towards masculine tenderness" | Quand Alice Diop nous entraîne "vers la tendresse" au masculin by/de Sylvie Braibant – tv5monde

Understanding lesbophobia in West Africa: sixteen women’s voices | Seize voix de femmes pour comprendre la lesbophobie en Afrique de l’Ouest

Frieda Ekotto: For an endogenous critique of representations of African lesbian identity in visual culture and literature

Frieda Ekotto : Pour une critique endogène sur les représentations visuelles et littéraires de l’identité lesbienne africaine

"Difficult Love" by Zanele Muholi
Visual activist Zanele Muholi of South Africa, repositions the African subject that is often represented by others, reclaiming her own space and that of other black lesbians and black South Africans as a whole. Telling her own story and taking ownership of her subject-position, she returns the gaze, re-writes the script that has often left black lesbians and Africans in general without a voice.

Zanele Muholi: Some Prefer Cake - Bologna Lesbian Film Festival - Italy

Zanele Muholi: Some Prefer Cake - Le Festival du film lesbien de Bologne - Italie 2012

Cheryl Dunye's "Black is Blue" Kickstarter campaign success

Marie Kâ : L'Autre Femme | The Other Woman (Senegal)

Naomi Beukes-Meyer (Germany-Namibia) launches crowdfunding for the 2nd Episode of THE CENTRE Web Series
Naomi has always felt that there is a distinct lack of film and television dramas highlighting first and second generation African female and, in particular, lesbian experience.

Wanuri Kahiu: "Homosexuality is not unafrican; what is unafrican is homophobia"

Boukary Sawadogo discusses his research: Three marginal figures in the cinemas of Francophone West Africa - the mad person, the homosexual, the woman

Sophie Kaboré’s Quest: Exploring African homosexualities
The film is about Abdou, the oldest son of a well-respected businessman, who, after a long stay abroad returns home. He has lived other experiences that brought about a psychological and sexual transformation. It is about a transvestite who returns to his social and cultural milieu, a milieu that is horrified by this practice.


Kis Keya, creator of "Extranostro", a 5-episode new-media series about the gay black community: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE4GYm5GxQD1yzpPpbBav8Q

Black Gay Male Spectatorship in the United States: The Reception of the Films Dakan and Woubi Cheri: https://africanwomenincinema.blogspot.com/2009/06/black-gay-male-spectatorship-dakan-woubi-cheri.html

1 comment:

wellywood woman said...

Many thanks for this list, Beti. And a very happy and healthy and prosperous new year to you!

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