23 December 2021

African Women's Cinematic Love Stories and Other Matters of the Heart

African Women's Cinematic Love Stories and Other Matters of the Heart
To talk about love in Rwanda is to be able to tell stories that people hold dear, that are poetic and funny while at the same time posing a fundamental question: How do we love each other after a genocide?--Jacqueline Kalimunda

Mahen Bonetti, founder and director of the New York African Film Festival had this to say about love stories from Africa: “When thinking of Africa," she says, "the definition of love is vague or absent. The word love is always overshadowed by crisis—AIDS, drought, warfare. So when thinking of the continent of Africa, one does not think of the word love in relation to the emotions and tension that accompanies the concept."

Hence African women's cinematic love stories relate the myriad sentiments on the continuum of expressions of the heart:  the taboo, desire, obsession, forbidden love, longing, passion, jealousy, revenge, courtship, first love, sexualities.

Ekwa Msangi's Farewell Amor attempts to explore this affective characteristic which Mahen Bonetti finds lacking in representations of the African experience. She has this to say about her interest in the theme of love in her film Farewell Amor: …I want to explore the theme of black love in this film, and specifically how it pertains to African people. Probably for religious reasons (among many others), the ways in which love, longing and relationship is discussed and portrayed in African film is very limiting. I’m hoping to expand to scope with this film.

In her film Vers la tendresse (Towards tenderness), Alice Diop reveals the experiences of four young men who while speaking openly, are either locked in the sexual and romantic representations they have internalized or are on the verge of breaking out of them. Similarly, Leyla Bouzid's Une Histoire d'amour et de désir (A Tale of Love and Desire), Leyla Bouzid wanted to go beyond the clichés that show representations of men of North African origin with a very virile, visible masculinity on display. She wanted to relate the experiences of a shy young man with a passion for literature and a pure vision of love.

Notes to continue...

A selection of articles about cinematic loves stories and other matters of the heart on the African Women in Cinema Blog:

Holy Fatma: Please Love me Forever

Leyla Bouzid: A Tale of Love and Desire

Désirée Kahikopo: The White Line

Before the Vows by Nicole Amarteifio

Dorcas Gloria Ahouan-Gonou : Le fruit defendu | The Forbidden Fruit

Rafiki by/de Wanuri Kahiu : Cannes 2018 - Un Certain Regard (Kenya)

Zin’naariya ! | The Wedding Ring | L’Alliance d’or by/de Rahmatou Keïta (Niger)

Jacqueline Kalimunda : Love in Rwanda | De l'amour au Rwanda

Single Rwandan / Celib Rwandais by/de Jacqueline Kalimunda analyse/analysis by/par Viviane Azarian

Nijla Mu’min’s Jinn, A Film About Identity, Islam and First Love

When Alice Diop takes us "towards masculine tenderness"

Hermon Hailay: Price of Love | Le Prix d’amour

Experiments with love: young South African women filmmakers

Difficult Love by Zanele Muholi

Constance Ejuma, producer-filmmaker-actor, discusses Ben & Ara

Marie Kâ : L’Autre Femme | The Other Woman (Senegal)

Report by Beti Ellerson