19 March 2021

FESCAAAL 2021 (Festival Cinema Africano Asia America Latina) Milano. Featuring the theme: Donne sull’orlo di cambiare il mondo | Women on the verge of changing the world

Festival Cinema Africano Asia America Latina Milano
Donne sull’orlo di cambiare il mondo
Women on the verge of changing the world
African, Asia and Latin America Film Festival

20-28 March 2021
Artistic directors:  Alessandra Speciale and Annamaria Gallone

The #FESCAAAL 30 is woman!  7 directors from 7 countries around the world to discuss their personal experiences, focusing on women's agency, their aesthetic and narrative choices and the emergence of a new women's imaginary from a contemporary, postcolonial and globalized perspective.

A thematic section entitled: "Women on the verge of changing the world"

A section on recent films by women directors from Africa, Asia and Latin America

A women-helmed official jury with Michela Occhipinti, Hinde Boujemaa and Beatriz Seigner

A roundtable entitled "Private spaces, global issues, contemporary visions. How cineastes from three continents change the vision of the world.

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