19 September 2019

Fatima Matousse: Family in Exile (Afrika Film Festival Köln 2019)

Fatima Matousse 
Family in Exile

Fatima Matousse (Morocco | Maroc)
Family in Exile, 2018, 15 min.

African Shorts


Family in Exile is an intimate documentary, set in Morocco, about the conflicts within the filmmaker's family. It is a daughter's quest to understand her father's refusal, over many years, to interact with her and her mother. Through a series of revealing conversations with family members, stories touching on gender tensions, religious beliefs, and parent/child relationships are evoked. It is a personal visual letter of resistance by a daughter to a dictatorial father.

Dans Family in Exile, la réalisatrice essaye de comprendre pourquoi son père, musulman croyant, ne lui parle plus depuis des années, à elle et sa mère, alors qu’il habite juste en-dessous d’elles.


Fatima Matousse is a Moroccan independent filmmaker studying an MFA in Documentary Film at the City College of New York. After spending several years working as a program manager for several Non-Profit Organizations in Morocco, Fatima decided to become a visual storyteller. She obtained the Fulbright Scholarship to travel to New York to pursue her career. Over the past years, Fatima won several grants that allowed her to participate in various training in Turkey, Germany, and the U.S.A. Matousse holds an MA in Cultural and Media Studies from Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University in Fez which concluded with a thesis titled "Rewriting Her Story Through Documentary films: A Feminist and Postcolonial Approach to Ali Essafi and Dalila Ennadre's Documentaries" where she focused on the history of marginalized women in Morocco. Fatima won the award of Best Cinematography with her film debut "Family in Exile" which chronicles stories within her own family. (Source: http://ccny-cityvisions.org/fatima-matousse/)

Fatima Matousse est une réalisatrice indépendante marocaine. Elle travaille actuellement à obtenir une maîtrise en cinéma documentaire au City College of New York. 

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