13 December 2009

(Re)Discover: Monique Mbeka Phoba

Monique Mbeka Phoba: during the shooting | pendant le tournage

(Re)discover: Belgo-Congolese Monique Mbeka Phoba, filmmaker, poet, novelist, journalist, film critic and project manager

Articles from the African Women in Cinema Blog:

That Sister There! by Michèle Solle, a review of the film "Sister Oyo" by Monique Mbeka Phoba | Cette soeur-là ! par Michèle Solle, une critique du film “Soeur Oyo” de Monique Mbeka Phoba

Monique Mbeka Phoba: "Sister Oyo", the importance of social media, and the Kisskissbankbank crowdfunding campaign

A Conversation with Monique Mbeka Phoba | Entretien avec Monique Mbeka Phoba

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