11 December 2023

The making of: Aïcha Macky, empowering girls through participatory video training | l’autonomisation des filles à travers la formation en vidéo participative


The making of:

Aïcha Macky, empowering girls through participatory video training

Le making off :

Aïcha Macky, l’autonomisation des filles à travers la formation en vidéo participative

The situation of girls in Niger recounted by the girls – making-of (see translation from French subtitles after video)


Within the framework of the activities aimed at empowering girls, UNICEF, in partnership with the Ministry for Child Protection, collaborated with filmmaker Aïcha Macky for the participatory video training for seven girls from the pilot villages in the region of Zinder.

Following is a short excerpt of each film:

Malika, 15 years old, Dan Boursou "I left school because I didn't know what it could do for me. Dear parents, insist that your children go and stay in school."

Sahiba, 16 years old/Matamey “Dear women, sending your daughters abroad to beg will be a source of misfortune both for them and for you. You can succeed by investing rather than spending this money on the trip abroad. »

Laritou, 16 years old, Ismouhou/Kantché “Ending a girl's schooling to put her on an international begging circuit is a crime. I stand against child immigration. »

Hadjara, 22 years old, Kacheni/Zinder “Early marriage is a source of unhappiness for girls. So that my sisters are not married very early, I am committed to raising awareness in my community.

Bassira, 15 years old, Rigal Souleymane “Every woman has the right to a healthy environment in which to work and study. Sexual harassment is a violation of the law.

Haoua, 17 years old, Gwati/Kantche “Despite my love for school, I dropped out because of the distance. I walked seven kilometers four times a day. Today my sister does it. Create a learning institution for us, here, so that she doesn’t give up like me! »

Amina, 16 years old: “To rape a girl is to compromise her future, it is to put an end to her joy of living. »

La situation des filles du Niger racontée par les filles - making off (voir la vidéo ci-dessous)

Dans le cadre de l’appui aux actions visant l’autonomisation des filles, l’UNICEF, en partenariat avec le ministère en charge de la Protection de l’enfant, a collaboré avec la réalisatrice nigérienne Aïcha Macky pour la formation en vidéo participative de 7 jeunes filles des villages de l’intervention de la région de Zinder.

Voici pour chaque film un petit mot extrait:

Malika, 15 ans, Dan Boursou " J'ai abandonné l'école parce que j'ignorais ce qu'elle pouvait me procurer comme bien-être. Chers parents, insistez pour que vos enfants aillent et restent à l'école "

Sahiba, 16 ans/Matamey « Chères femmes, amener vos filles mendier hors des frontières peut être source de malheur et pour elles et pour vous. Vous pouvez réussir en entreprenant avec l'argent que vous investissez dans le voyage. »

Laritou, 16 ans, Ismouhou/Kantché « Mettre fin à la scolarisation d'une fille pour la mettre dans un circuit international de mendicité est un crime. Je me lève contre l'immigration des enfants. »

Hadjara, 22 ans, Kacheni/ Zinder « Le mariage précoce est source de malheur pour les filles. Pour que mes sœurs ne soient pas mariées très tôt, je m'engage à sensibiliser ma communauté.

Bassira, 15 ans, Rigal Souleymane « tout femme a droit à un environnement sain pour travailler et étudier. Le harcèlement sexuel est une entrave au droit»

Haoua, 17 ans, Gwati/Kantche « Malgré mon amour pour l'école, j'ai abandonné à cause de la distance. Je faisais 7 kilomètres 4 fois par jour. Aujourd'hui, ma sœur le fait. Pour qu'elle n'abandonne pas comme moi, créez-nous un collège ! »

Amina, 16 ans : « Violer une fille, c'est compromettre son avenir, c'est mettre fin à sa joie de vivre. »


Also see | À voir aussi :

Aïcha Macky: using the power of the camera to give voice to her community and her country, Niger | se servir du pouvoir de la caméra pour faire entendre des voix de sa communauté et de son pays 



Dialogue from video translated in English from French subtitles by Beti Ellerson


Girls with smart phone asking question to the Sultan of Zinder

-We learned through the radio channels that children are being taken out of school and reduced to forced child begging in Algeria.

-As the leader, what is your opinion?


His majesty Elh A. Sanda, Sultan of Zinder:

-Their education is being undermined.

-Their future is also in jeopardy.

-To beg is humiliating.

-To beg is a disgrace.

-There are married women who go to beg and return with illegitimate Arab babies.

-To the man, who is head of the family, does Islam sanction this irresponsibility, to let your wife leave?


Salmey Bebert, Protection de l’Enfant UNICEF.

-We solicited UNICEF for this training for the girls from the pilot villages.

-They already understood that they had rights.

-We considered some kind of mechanism towards reintegration so that the girls could take part in the community discussions that engaged them.

-We chose to teach them how to make videos.

-We began with the Zinder Region.

-We have the filmmaker Aïcha Macky, the icon of Niger cinema, known worldwide.

-She has used the power of the camera to give voice to her community and her country.

-We hope that the girls will take her as their role model.


Girls with smart phone asking question to religious leader

-What does Islam say about the education of the girl child?


Hassanou Malam Sani, Religious leader - Zinder:

-Islam is a religion of knowledge.

-It is a religion that brings enlightenment.

-The prophet Mohamed, peace and greetings to him, said this: the search for knowledge is an obligation of all Muslims.

-In Islam, to say all Muslims, it means women and men, there is no distinction.

-No life is possible without knowledge.


Hadjara, video training participant:

-I made my film about child marriages.

-Cases of fistula and maternal mortality are recurrent themes on the radio.

-I made this film as a means to raise consciousness among parents of the dangers of child marriage.


Amina, video training participant:

-I often hear on the radio about cases of child rape.

-I hope that a solution is found regarding this phenomenon.

-Rape is a dramatic situation in the life of a woman, causing her to lose her dignity.


Sahiba, video training participant:

-Where I come from in Matamey, female migration is a rather worrying social phenomenon.

-Mothers take their children out of school and send them abroad to beg. 

-They return empty-handed in the best of cases or lose their lives during the journey.

-And the life and education of the children are messed up forever.


Dialogue in film:

-You want to give away this baby to be married?

-Tell me dear spouse are you smoking dope?


Follow-up evaluation by ministry:

-How would you assess the training that you just received?


Laritou, video training participant:

-I learned how to make and edit a video with a smartphone.

-I would like to start a business, make films for ceremonies and get paid for doing so.


Aïcha Macky:

-We trained seven girls in all.

-Each one directed her individual film.

-We hope to teach other girls in their respective communities.


Matamey – [Through a bullhorn while walking through the village] The village chief calls his population for an event in front of his house after the evening prayer

-Men, women, children come to the event.


Dialogue in film:

-A woman leaves her household to go beg.


Issoumouf- a resident

-Begging is tolerated only in the case of infirmity or disability.

-The women leave to migrate to Algeria, to Libya. with their children.

Afterwards we receive a message announcing their death. All of this is disgraceful!

-The women leave to find a means to pay for their daughters’ marriage.


Ibrahim-Head of the county of Matamey

-Today alone, we repatriated 1,500 people. They are currently in Agadez, waiting to be sent back.

-The women return empty-handed and in debt.

-There are those who have sold their houses and family plots in order to leave.

-The 300,000 CFA that they amass to leave is sufficient to create a business fund initiative.


Dialogue in film:

-You will see a cup at the far end of the room, you put the dough (money) inside…


Dialogue in film:

-Stop complaining! If people learn that your daughter has been raped, no one will marry her.


Aichatou, deputy mayor of the 3rd district of Zinder

-To not denounce rape in our societies, means that it will continue and increase.

-If it were denounced, the guilty person will be judged and those who have destructive ideas will be renounced.


Dialogue in film:

He is thinking about giving away a baby in marriage

-This 13-year-old girl is a baby?

I have already taken her out of school to be married.



-A child should not be married before 18 or 19 years old.

-At 13, 14, or 15 years old, a child should not be given away in marriage.

-Neither should a girl be taken out of school to be married because she appears to be older.


Aïcha Macky:

-After her training, Sahiba trained some twenty girls and boys in her village.

-You have seen several episodes of the series that they are in the process of making.


Abdoul Karim, mayor of Matamey

-As mayor I am proud to know that there is such talent in the community that I lead.

-She has put her finger on a disturbing phenomenon for all the authorities throughout the country: female migration 


Ali Atchibili - Musician/Zinder (singing)

-Let us all be committed to the education of our girls.

-Don’t leave women behind!

-No! No! No!

-Don’t forget that they have proven themselves!

-We have women who are ministers

-We have women who are deputies

-We have women who are military leaders

-We have women who are presidents

-Educate our women, send our women to school.


Aïcha Macky (speech)

-Your majesty Sultan of Zinder, thank you for welcoming us.

-Several months ago, we trained these girls to learn how to make a film.

-It was with the support of UNICEF and the Ministry for the Promotion of Women and the Protection of Children

-These are the films that we will present to you.


Your majesty Sultan of Zinder:

-We are proud and we thank Aïcha for all that she has done.

-We encourage her to continue and urge the girls under her apprenticeship to follow in her footsteps.


Laritou, video training participant:

-Thank you for your presence. We wish all of you a safe return home.


Malika, video training participant: [sending a heart shaped thank you]


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