09 June 2022

Recent films. Babetida Sadjo: Hématome

Babetida Sadjo
Belgique - 2021 - fiction - 18min10

Twenty five years later, Judith finally dares to break her silence and to find justice for the rape that she suffered as a child. She bitterly discovers that the trial will not take place. Thirsting for justice, she confronts the pedophile who shattered her life.

About Babetida Sadjo
Babetida Sadjo Belgian-based actress turned filmmaker from Guinea-Bissau interprets the role of Judith in her film Hematome. She had this to say about the film:

"This film was really for me a way of telling the victims who have not had the courage to speak that I hear them. I do hear them because it happened to me too. I have compassion with them. The justice of humanity does not always suffice. How does one continue to live, to continue to be a woman, to full experience her sensuality,  motherhood, without the constant shadow of this trauma?" (From the interview with Anne Feuillère et Harald Duplouis:  https://www.cinergie.be/actualites/babetida-sadjo)

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