29 July 2021

Accountability Lab: YALI Women's Responsible Leadership Film Fellowship (Mali)

Accountability Lab: YALI Women's Responsible Leadership Film Fellowship (Mali)

In July 2021 the women filmmakers of Accountability Lab Mali’s YALI Women's Responsible Leadership Film Fellowship travelled across the country to discuss the feminist stories that inspired their films.
Zeinabou W. Mohamed Ali helmed the Yali Film School Fellowship project at the Accountability Lab Mali.

She had this to say about the project, which is funded by the U.S. Department of State:
The YALI Film School Fellowship is a 100% female project which aims to train women in Mali and Niger in the techniques of producing and directing short flms with themes that reflect the realities faced by Malian communities on a daily basis.

In Mali we have 10 young women from several regions of the country who have beneted from this apprenticeship grant.

The objective of the project is that the short flms serve as advocacy and awareness tools among the population of leaders to encourage them to adopt a positive behavior change.


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