04 May 2021

Black Women Disrupt: Web Series as a Radical Feminist Practice

Black Women Disrupt. Web Series as a Radical Feminist Practice:
In conversation with Jabu Nadia Newman


Master Class Wednesday May 5 2021

A 60-minute In-Conversation discussion with the creator of The Foxy Five:
In this live session we talk to Jabu Nadia Newman, creator of The Foxy Five, a web series born out of the South African #RhodesMustFall student movement. The Foxy Five sought to explore what intersectional feminism would look like on screen, and incorporated decolonial practices not only in its themes; but throughout its creative process. The Foxy Five is a testament to the power of web series to represent subversive and radical subject matter. Jabu will take us through her journey of creating The Foxy Five and share more about its distribution and reception.

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