04 March 2021

New York African Film Festival 2021: "Time is on Our Side", Conversation with Katy Léna N'diaye

New York African Film Festival 2021
Time is on Our Side 
Conversation with Katy Léna N'diaye

Katy Léna N'diaye
Time is on Our Side
Documentary - 2019 - 67min
Belgium/Senegal/Burkina Faso

Source: New York African Film Festival [https://www.maysles.org/calendar/2021/2/2/nyaff-28-mane-wwfbp]

In 2014, what the people of Burkina Faso wouldn’t dare imagine for decades suddenly became their new reality: the unyielding protests by the Burkinabè against Blaise Compaoré brought a forceful end to his 27 year dictatorship. Among the uprising’s most instrumental voices is Smockey, rapper and co-founder of Balai Citoyen, a movement of artists calling on youth to join the resistance. During the transitional period ushering in a democratically elected president, Smockey anticipates the tension between uncertainty and hope through political activism and the soundtrack of his socially conscious music.

'Time is on Our Side' director, Katy Léna N'diaye joins filmmaker, art historian and scholar, Manthia Diawara in a conversation about the film

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