01 March 2021

Ng’endo Mukii: Kesho Pia Ni Siku (Tomorrow is another day) Vimeo Stories in Place

Ng’endo Mukii
Kesho Pia Ni Siku (Tomorrow is another day)
Vimeo Stories in Place
Ng'endo Mukii 
Kesho Pia Ni Siku
Documentary - 2021 - 9mins

Kesho Pia Ni Siku means "Tomorrow is another day". Njeri is a grandmother who sings hymns. She runs her own small shop in Nairobi.

She tells how she unintentionally started her business from the trunk of her 1990 Toyota, survived a fire in the market, the social alienation of divorce, and the economic calamities of Kenya, to become independent as a businesswoman and face another day.

Stories in Place: Kanyoko Boutique from Ng'endo Mukii on Vimeo.

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