30 January 2020

Cascade Festival of African Films 2020: "Life is Fare" by Sephora Woldu (Eritrea)

Cascade Festival of African Films 2020
Life is Fare by Sephora Woldu
(Eritrea, USA) 2018, 61 min
Featuring Women Filmmakers Week

Life is Fare is a Tigrinya/ English feature film exploring three wildly different diaspora perspectives on the East African nation of Eritrea. A cross cultural analogy to challenge how patriotism and nationalism are practiced, it is inspired by current Eritrean and Ethiopian migration journeys worldwide.

Sephora Woldu is an Eritrean American visual artist and filmmaker based in San Francisco. Life is Fare is Sephora's first feature length film and her third project. Her first film, Impresa!, debuted at the 2013 San Francisco Black Film Festival and has since received awards at festivals including the Independent Film Awards Berlin, Montreal International Black Film Festival, and the Silicon Valley African Film Festival. Her second film, Exit, was made in Luxor, Egypt as a selected filmmaker for the 2014 Haile Gerima Alternative Film Production Workshop, a film program created in partnership with the Luxor African Film Festival. Sephora has received funding for her work from the San Francisco Arts Commission, SF Film Commission, Yerba Buena Center of the Arts, and Wildflower Institute. In 2013 she founded Abyssurdian Productions LLC, a creative studio from which all of her films and projects are released. Additionally, Sephora is a a full-time student pursuing a Master's in Architecture from California College of the Arts and currently works at the design firm IDEO because among other things, she is full of surprises.

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