24 August 2018

My Ethiopian Story by 15 Year Old Filmmaker Zuriel Oduwole

My Ethiopian Story by 15 Year Old Filmmaker Zuriel Oduwole

Born in the United States of Nigerian and Mauritian parentage, Zuriel Oduwole describes herself as a Pan African child. Her goal is to use her programme, Dream Up, Speak, Up, Stand Up, to inspire girls to accomplish their dreams as she has been able to do, and to ensure that every girl gets an education. Moreover, she wants to use the visibility that she has attained in order to present positive images of Africa, those that tell real African stories.


August 15, 2018 Los Angeles - California, A day after arriving back in Los Angeles from 7 weeks on the road, visiting 6 African countries including Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa and lastly Ethiopia for her various projects which enunciate the need for Girls education, Zuriel is now sharing with the world her next simple country story - this time, Ethiopia!! Created in a youthful, playful, innocent - yet seriously contemporary approach with the help of some of her students, she summarizes in 50 seconds what made her time in Ethiopia fun, playful, educative, engaging, and above all , delightful. VIDEO: https://youtu.be/iwnG0Pns3fE

Before departing the historic city of Addis Ababa where her current film Follow The Ball screened in two locations, she held her now popular basic 'Film Making 101 class' for several teenage girls in the remote community of Akaki. "They too have dreams you know" she says. Truly ONE girl, can indeed make a DIFFERENCE.


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