29 September 2014

The Art of Ama Ata Aido documentary launching in Accra, Ghana by the African Women’s Development Fund

On 17th September, The African Women’s Development Fund launched The Art of Ama Ata Aidoo, a documentary on the life and work of critically acclaimed Ghanaian author, Ama Ata Aidoo, at the British Council in Accra.

The documentary was directed and produced by Yaba Badoe and co-produced by Amina Mama for Fadoa Films. AWDF contributed 40% funding for the project with the remaining 60% accumulated through crowdsourcing on IndieGogo.

Read the article by Shakira Chambas and Sionne Neely in its entirety at http://www.awdf.org/the-art-of-ama-ata-aidoo-documentary-film-launch/

Read other relevant posts on the African Women in Cinema Blog:

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