08 July 2014

(Re)Discover: Angèle Diabang

(Re)Discover: Angèle Diabang: Organizing, promoting cultural heritage, activism
Senegalese filmmaker Angèle Diabang trained in her country, as well as in Germany and France, notably at the Femis.She created her own production company Karoninka where she produces her own works as well as other films.

Photo: Afrik.com

Articles from the African Women in Cinema Blog

Angèle Diabang: Un air de kora

Dr. Denis Mukwege: Congo, un médecin pour sauver les femmes | a doctor who saves women, a film by Angèle Diabang

Claire; Angèle, Nadia, Pocas, Rama, in/en conversation: To be a woman filmmaker in Africa | Être réalisatrice en Afrique
"So Long a Letter", Angèle Diabang : "I am not interested in denouncing polygamy : my film goes beyond that"

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