Juliette Akouvi Founou : The CNA Togo is in its launching phase
Image and Text Source: CNA.ORG. [http://www.c-n-a.org/cna-togo-actualites.php#togo1]
Translation from French by Beti Ellerson
The president of L'Association Togolaise du Cinéma Numérique Ambulant (ATCNA), the Togolese association of mobile digital cinema talks about the 31 May event, which is a gala evening highlighting the association's activities.
You are organising a CNA Togo event on 31 May, what does it entail?
It involves a review of the activities of CNA Togo which has three components: a photo exhibition of the activities; a screening of short films about CNA Togo and the screening of the fiction film by Abalo Kilizou entitled, Venu de France (Coming from France). The purpose is to promote a Togolese film, and African cinema in general, which is the objective of the CNA associations.
This event is organised in partnership with the French Embassy and the French Institute of Togo. How did this partnership evolve?
Recently the CNA Togo started film screenings in remote areas of the city of Lomé without any partnership funding. When the cultural departments of the French Embassy and the French Institute noticed the work we were doing at these locations, and after several meetings, we decided to collaborate in organising an evening of activities.
What would the CNA Togo like to achieve with this event?
We would like to let the public know about the wonderful things we are daring to do with cinema as a means to entertain, educate and raise the consciousness of the population in order to contribute to the development of Togo.
How would you assess the operations of CNA Togo?
The CNA Togo was actually created in 2012. We launched our activities in February 2012 in conjunction with the Cinéma Itinérant du Togo (CIT), (the Traveling Cinema of Togo) directed by Jacques Do Kokou. The Association became a legal entity at the end of the year in December 2012. The CNA Togo is still in its launching phase. In other words, there is not yet funding support and therefore it continues to reach out to partners. In order to achieve this we have put out a call to cultural stakeholders to embrace the efforts of CNA Togo to involve the population by entertaining, communicating, educating and building awareness through cinema.
Association Togolaise du Cinéma Numérique Ambulant (ATCNA)
Juliette Akouvi Founou, President
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Juliette Akouvi Founou «Le CNA Togo est à sa phase de décollage»
La présidente du CNA Togo parle de la grande soirée de présentation des activités de l’association le 31 mai à Lomé.
Vous organisez une présentation du CNA Togo le 31 mai. De quoi s'agit-il?
Il s'agit de faire un bilan des activités du Cinéma Numérique Ambulant Togo le soir du vendredi 31 mai à partir de 18 heures au Grand Rex à Lomé. La soirée va se dérouler en trois phases : 1- une exposition des photos des activités ; 2- la projection d'un court-métrage sur le CNA Togo et 3- la projection d'un film de fiction intitulé « Venu de France » du réalisateur togolais Abalo Kilizou. Le but est de promouvoir un film togolais et au-delà, le cinéma africain car c'est la première préoccupation de tous les CNA.
À LIRE DANS SON INTÉGRALITÉ : http://www.c-n-a.org/cna-togo-actualites.php#togo1
Image Source : CNA.ORG