16 September 2011

The International Women’s Film Festival of Salé (Morocco) 2011

The 5th International Women’s Film Festival of Salé, in a spirit of friendship and universal cooperation, aims to showcase and promote quality works with the view of furthering the development of cinematic art, encouraging the growth of women’s filmmaking globally and facilitating the understanding of other people through their films. The festival is also dedicated to women’s cinemas in order to make their innovative and creative qualities better known, and thus focuses its efforts on the International, as a meeting place for women film professionals throughout the world. Moreover, the festival aims to stimulate women’s filmmaking in Morocco and support it by providing a recognized seal of quality.

Edition: Fifth (5th)
Date: 19-24 September 2011
Opening Film: La source des femmes by Radu Milhaileanu
Closing Film: Winner of the Grand Prize 2011
Films in Competition: 12 feature films (Burkina Faso, Slovenia, Vietnam, United States, Australia, Egypt, Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Morocco)

Guest cinema

Burkina Faso, 5 feature films


Cinema of sub-Saharan Africa : 12 feature films (Benin, Cameroon,
Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Senegal, Chad, Togo, Niger, Gabon, Democratic Republic of Congo)

Showcasing the Moroccan Feature Film 2010-2011: 04 films
Showcasing Short Films by Moroccan Women Directors, 2010-2011: 05 films
Special Screenings

01 Egyptian documentary
01 Short Films Morocco


Halime Gümer, Turkey
Fatima Alaoui Bel Hassan, Morocco
Naki Sy Savané, Côte d'Ivoire
Houssein Fahmi, Egypt

Film Lesson

Louise Portal, Canada

Screenwriting Workshops

Facilitated by Moroccan, Egyptian, French and African professionals


Theme related to women and the cinema of sub-Saharan Africa

Parallel Activities

Presentation of the work of Rita El Khayat "The woman artist in the Arab World"

Launch of the magazine Cine-Mag

The Jury

Louise Portal, actress, singer and writer, President, Canada
Laila Triqui, director, critic, Morocco
Oumy N'dour, journalist, critic, Senegal
Hala Sedki, actress, Egypt
Maryam Khakipour, producer, Iran
Lucile Hadzihalilovic, director, producer, France
Maureen Mazurek, chief editor, U.K

Official Competition

Notre étrangère by Sarah Bouyain; Burkina Faso, France. 2010

Slovenian girl by Damjan Kozole; Slovénie, Allemagne, Serbie, Croatie, Bosnie-Herzégovine. 2010

Vertiges by Bui Thac Chuyen; Vietnam, France. 2010

Winter’s Bone by Debra Granik; United States. 2010

Lou by Belinda Chayko; Australia. 2010

Six, seven, eight by Mohamed Diab; Egypte. 2010

Corpo Celeste by Alice Rohrwacher; Italy, France, Switzerland. 2011

17 Filles by Delphine Coulin and Muriel Coulin; France. 2011

La Petite chambre by Stephanie Chuat and Veronique Raymond; Switzerland. 2010

L’etrangère by Féo Aldag; Germany. 2010

Lourdes by Jessica Hausner; Austria, France. 2011

Agardir Bombay by Myriam Bakir; Morocco. 2011

Guest Cinema: Burkina Faso

Delwende by Pierre Yameogo

La nuit de la vérite by Fanta Régina Nacro

Sia, le rêve du python by Dani Kouyate

Sous la clarté de la lune by Apolline Traoré
Yaaba by Idrissa Ouedraogo

Panorama of sub-Saharan African Cinemas

Mama Aloko by Jean Odoutan (Benin)

Tilai by Idrissa Ouedraogo (Burkina Faso)

Muna Moto by Jean-Pierre Dikongue-Pipa (Cameroon)

Djeli by Fadika Kramo-Lancine (Côte d’Ivoire)

Bamako by Abderrahmane Sissako (Mauritania)

Le Rallye d’Hélène by Chouna Maugondo (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

Madame Brouette by Moussa Sene Absa (Senegal)

Un homme qui crie by Mahamat Saleh Haroun (Tchad)

Le Divorce by Kelly Labouba (Gabon)

Correspondance by Laurence Petit-Jouvet (Mali)

Aïda la bouchère by Rakia Lamnou Kader (Niger)

Itchombi by Gentille Menguizani Assih (Togo)

Showcasing the Moroccan Feature Film

La Mosquée by Daoud Oulad-Syad

Majid by Nassim Abassi

Swingum by Abdellah Toukouna
Les Anges de Satan by Ahmed Boulane

Showcasing Short Films by Moroccan Women Directors

Chapitre dernier by Jihan El Bahhar

La dernière balle by Asmae El Moudir

La pelote de laine by Khadija Saidi Leclère

1000 dirhams by Zaineb Toubali

Mokhtar by Halima Ouardiri

Special Screenings

Zelal, documentary by Marianne Khoury and Mustapha Hasnaoui

Plastique short film by Abdelkbir Regagna


Halime Güner, activist of the Women's Rights movement, founder of Women's Film Festival of Ankara. Turkey

Naky Sy Savané: Actor, activist for the rights of women and children, president of the Mirrors and Cinemas of Africa Festival in Marseille. Côte d'Ivoire

Fatima Alaoui Bel Hassan, designer and visual artist. Morocco

Houssein Fahmi, Actor, the festival pays tribute to him for his role in several films related to the theme of the Festival. Egypt

Film Lesson

Testimony of  the unique, rich and diverse journey of an actress, singer and writer: Louise Portal, Canada

Scriptwriting Workshop

Scenarios focusing on women facilitated by Moroccan, Egyptian, French and African professionals for two categories of audiences: students from the ages of 15 to 20 years old and authors of written stories not yet initiated to scriptwriting.


On the current state of progress of women directors in sub-Saharan Africa, the singular nature of their professional journey and the specificity of their perspectives on women’s issues.
Translation from French to English by Beti Ellerson

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