31 May 2024

Farida Benlyazid and Moroccan Cinema by Florence Martin

Farida Benlyazid and Moroccan Cinema
by Florence Martin

This book project unfolds and analyzes the work of Moroccan director, producer, and scriptwriter Farida Benlyazid, whose career extends from the beginning of cinema in independent Morocco to the present. This study of her work and career provides a unique perspective on an under-represented cinema, the gender politics of cinema in Morocco, and the contribution of Arab women directors to global cinema and to a gendered understanding of Muslim ethics and aesthetics in film.

A pioneer in Moroccan cinema, Farida Benlyazid has been successful at negotiating the sometimes abrupt turns of Morocco's rocky 20th century history: from Morocco under French occupation to the advent of Moroccan independence in 1956; the end of the international status of Tangier, her native city, in 1959; the "years of lead" under the reign of Hassan II; and finally Mohamed VI's current reign since 1999. As a result, she has a long view of Morocco's politics of self-representation as well as of the representation of Moroccan women on screen.

30 May 2024

DIASPORAS: Quézia Lopes: Corpos Invisíveis (Invisible Bodies) - Festival international du film João Pessoa, à Paraíba

Quézia Lopes
Corpos Invisívei
 Festival international du film João Pessoa, à Paraíba
Quézia Lopes
Corpos Invisíveis
2023 - Brazil - documentary


Sinopse | Synopsis

O documentário aborda o apagamento social dos corpos negros femininos a partir da experiência pessoal e artística de 11 mulheres negras, que debatem identidade, memória coletiva, ancestralidade, afetividades e maternidade. A partir de entrevistas e performances, afirmam-se como corpos políticos que visibilizam suas muitas formas de ser, existir e resistir, ao passo que respondem à pergunta: o que é ser mulher negra no Brasil?

The documentary “Corpos Invisíveis” addresses the social erasure of black female bodies from the personal and artistic experience of eleven black women, who debate identity, collective memory, ancestry, affections and motherhood. Based on interviews and performances, they assert themselves as political bodies that make their many ways of being, existing and resisting visible, while answering the question: what does it mean to be a black woman in Brazil?
Quézia Lopes is a filmmaker, art educator and researcher in black contemporary short-film cinema. Director, screenwriter and producer/executive producer. She assisted with executive production on the documentary feature films “Between us, a secret” (Encantamento Filmes and Vitrine Filmes, 2020), available at MUBI, and “Love Lessons” (Encantamento Filmes and Elo Company, 2020), available at Globoplay. In 2023, she directed the transmedia documentary “Invisible Bodies”, her first feature as a screenwriter and director, in which she is also the executive producer, sponsored by Coca-Cola Brasil, Instituto Coca-Cola and Fundo Baobá. Curator, director and executive producer of the Multiplateform Cultural Exhibition “Bodies (In)visible: between pain and potency” (2021), sponsored by SECEC-RJ (Brazil, RJ). Screenwriter and Director of “Audiovisual Production Workshop” (2021), VOD content for the streaming platform Nitflix, which was sponsored by the Secretary of Cultures of Niterói (Brazil, RJ). (Text: From Youtube trailer)

24 May 2024

Simisolaoluwa Akande: The Archive – Queer Nigerians - Festival de Cine Africano Tarifa - Tanger (FCAT) 2024

Simisolaoluwa Akande
The Archive, Queer Nigerians
Festival de Cine Africano Tarifa - Tanger (FCAT) 2024

Simisolaoluwa Akande
The Archive – Queer Nigerians
Experimental - United Kingdom - 2023 - 24′

La historia de los nigerianos queer ha sido borrada de la narrativa nacional de Nigeria, por lo que los nigerianos queer del Reino Unido se reúnen para contar sus historias y documentar sus experiencias para que no vuelvan a ser olvidadas.  

With Nigerians queer history erased from the national narrative of Nigeria, queer Nigerians in the UK gather to tell stories, documenting their experiences so they can never be erased again.  

L’histoire des homosexuels nigérians ayant été effacée du récit national du Nigeria, les Nigérians homosexuels du Royaume-Uni se réunissent pour raconter leurs histoires et documenter leurs expériences afin qu’elles ne soient plus jamais oubliées.  

Festival de Cine Africano-FCAT 2024 - Le cinéma réalisé par des femmes et les afroféminismes - Cinema by women and afrofeminisms

 Festival de Cine Africano-FCAT
Le cinéma réalisé par des femmes et les afroféminismes sont au coeur de la 21ème édition du Festival de Cine Africano Tarifa - Tanger (FCAT)
Cinema by women and afrofeminisms are at the heart of the 21st edition of the African film festival Tarifa - Tanger.
Farida Benlyazid, pionnière du cinéma marocain : « Le cinéma des femmes explore en profondeur, elles s’intéressent davantage à parler de l’âme »
Farida Benlyazid, pioneer of Moroccan cinema: “Women’s cinema goes deep, they are more interested in talking about the soul”

Aperitivos de Cine · Mesa redonda: Posibilidades afrofeministas: Mujeres en las Cinematografías Africanas
Modera: Alejandra Val Cubero (Profesora en el Departamento de Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual en la Universidad Carlos III, España) Ponentes: Myriam Birara (director de The Bride, Ruanda) y Cyrielle Raingou (directora de Le Spectre de Boko Haram, Camerún)
Aperitivos de Cine · Mesa redonda: Diálogos con enfoque de mujer: narrativas para la diversidad
Modera: Mercedes Jabardo (Académica Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche) Ponentes: Chaimaa Boukharsa (co-fundadora de la revista Afrocolectiva, Marruecos) y Melaza (Artista multidisciplinar y Especialista en derechos humanos e interculturalidad afrocaribeña, Puerto Rico)
Aperitivos de Cine · Mesa redonda: (En) Versión Femenina: conversaciones sobre la representación femenina en el Cine del Norte de África
Modera: Alejandra Val Cubero (Profesora en el Departamento de Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual en la Universidad Carlos III, España) Ponentes: Azza Chabouni (investigadora, programadora; DOC House, Túnez), Lina Soualem (directora de "Bye Bye Tibériade", Francia-Palestina-Argelia), Leïla Kilani (directora de "Indivision", Marruecos) y Farida Benlyazid (directora de "Une porte sur le ciel", Marruecos)

Farida Benlyazid and Moroccan Cinema by Florence Martin presented at the Festival de Cine Africano-FCAT
This book project unfolds and analyzes the work of Moroccan director, producer, and scriptwriter Farida Benlyazid, whose career extends from the beginning of cinema in independent Morocco to the present. This study of her work and career provides a unique perspective on an under-represented cinema, the gender politics of cinema in Morocco, and the contribution of Arab women directors to global cinema and to a gendered understanding of Muslim ethics and aesthetics in film.
A pioneer in Moroccan cinema, Farida Benlyazid has been successful at negotiating the sometimes abrupt turns of Morocco's rocky 20th century history: from Morocco under French occupation to the advent of Moroccan independence in 1956; the end of the international status of Tangier, her native city, in 1959; the "years of lead" under the reign of Hassan II; and finally Mohamed VI's current reign since 1999. As a result, she has a long view of Morocco's politics of self-representation as well as of the representation of Moroccan women on screen
Lina Soualem gana el Premio a Mejor Largometraje de la 21 edición del FCAT por Bye Bye Tibériade
Lina Soualem wins the Best Feature Film Award at the 21st FCAT for Bye Bye Tiberias

Image: Director Farida Benlyazid presents the Best Feature Film Award to Lina Soualem

The Casa África Award for Best Direction goes to Leïla Kilani for her film Indivision
El Premio Casa África a Mejor dirección es para Leïla Kilani por su película Indivision
Girley Jazama wins the Best Actress Award for her performance in Under the Hanging Tree; Parista Sambo is the winner of the Best Actor Award for Disco Afrika
Girley Jazama gana el Premio a Mejor Actriz por su interpretación en Under the Hanging Tree; Parista Sambo es el galardonado a Mejor Actor por Disco Afrika
The Audience Award goes to Le spectre de Boko Haram, by Cameroonian filmmaker Cyrielle Raingou
El Premio del Público es para Le spectre de Boko Haram, de la cineasta camerunesa Cyrielle Raingou

21 May 2024

Amy Sall. The African Gaze: Photography, Cinema and Power

Amy Sall
The African Gaze: Photography, Cinema and Power
An accessible yet critical introduction to African photography and film from the mid-twentieth century to present day.

The African Gaze is a comprehensive exploration of postcolonial and contemporary photography and cinema from Africa. Drawing from archival imagery and documents, interviews with the photographers and filmmakers (in some cases family members/close associates if the artist is deceased), and contributions from writers, scholars, and curators, it maps a comprehensive introduction to African moving and still imagery.

This is a hugely important and timely publication—engagement with Black and African histories is stronger than ever before (and long overdue). The major names of African photography, such as Malick Sidibé, Sanlé Sory, and Seydou Keïta, have become highly collectible in the art market, while African cinema, pioneered by filmmakers such as Ousmane Sembène in 1960s Senegal, is now recognized for its creative innovation and storytelling.

For anyone drawn to African photography and film, this book will provide an exciting and accessible overview.

Featuring interviews with Samuel Fosso and Souleymane Cissé.

07 May 2024

Festival de Cine Africano (FCAT) 2024 - Retrospectiva ‘Cine afrofeminista | Retrospective 'Afrofeminist cinema

Festival de Cine Africano (FCAT) 2024
Retrospectiva ‘Cine afrofeminista | Retrospective 'Afrofeminist cinema

Le FCAT celebra su 21 edición en Tarifa y Tánger entre el 24 de mayo y el 1 de junio.

La retrospectiva del FCAT 2024 proyectará diez títulos de las directoras pioneras de los cines africanos como Safi Faye, Selma Baccar, Sarah Maldoror o Assia Djebar.
Le FCAT celebrates its 21st edition in Tarifa and Tangier between May 24 and June 1.
The FCAT 2024 retrospective will screen ten titles by pioneering directors of African cinemas such as Safi Faye, Selma Baccar, Sarah Maldoror and Assia Djebar.

Las Narrativas afrofeministas: mujeres en las cinematografías africanas | Afrofeminist Narratives : women in African cinema

Retrospectiva ‘Cine afrofeminista: a la luz de las pioneras (des)conocidas’, las películas de las precursoras tras la cámara | Retrospective 'Afrofeminist cinema: in the light of the (un)known pioneers', the films of the pioneers behind the camera